The adult live cams business is by far an appealing option to lots of folks. If you’ve got the personality and the looks, peppered with an adoration for erotic kink, you could make a good living. For Addie Andrews, her story begins like so many other adult stars beginnings: deeply engrained in a strict religion.

Andrews began her work at a pornstar after turning 28. She formerly strictly adhered to the mormon religion. But as a mormon, she felt “sexually repressed.” In other words, she wanted to get her kink on, but her governing religious morality did not allow. In case you didn’t know, mormons aren’t down with kinky sex. It’s just not what they do, unless you’re Bill Henrickson in HBO’s Big Love. Then everyone is getting laid (lots).

Andrews eventually moved into a live cam house. In live cam houses, the cameras never go off. Your life is always watched by adoring fans. Andrews spoke to her XXX cam experiences on a podcast recently.

When I first started, I moved into this model house, where my bedroom was on live cam 24/7.

“You’re being watched 24/7, and you’re being watched changing…

“You’re aware of this, you can unplug the cam if you want to, but the reality is that the reason that model house is there, a part of it is because they’re making revenue from you being on cam.”

You can watch Addie’s interview on Backdoor Convos below. It’s fun stuff.

Andrews attributes here experiences in the porn industry as her first venture into sex education.

“The first few scenes, my body was not really conducive to having that much sex.”

Adult actresses who work XXX live cams can rake in thousands of dollars in cash per month if they play it right. We aren’t exactly sure how much a 24/7 live house cam pays, but we also understand it doesn’t have to be so intrusive. Adult webcam models need downtime, something Andrews quickly discovered in her experiences.

Adult webcams are a great way to make money and connect with fans. But taking a break is healthy stuff. Being on camera full-time doing anything would present stress.

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